파라다이스 아트 스페이스
프리즘 판타지
2019.4.19 - 2019.8.18
장소: 파라다이스 아트 스페이스
전시작가: 다니엘 뷔렌, 토마스 칸토, 가브리엘 다우, 올라퍼 엘리아슨, 예페 하인, 쿠와쿠보 료타, 이불, 이용백, 이반 나바로, 다니엘 로진, 신봉철
* 전시 기획, 실행 및 운영
2019.4.19 - 2019.8.18
Location : Paradise Art Space
Artist : Lee Bul, Lee Yong-Baek, Shin Bong-chull, Daniel Rozin, Jeppe Hein, Olafur Eliasson, Gabriel Dawe, Ryota Kuwakubo, Iván Navarro, Thomas Canto, Daniel Buren
Untitled, Lee Bulphoto by Park Myung-Rae
Summer flowers, Bongchull Shinphoto by Park Myung-Rae
Streifen VR1314, Bongchull Shinphoto by Park Myung-Rae
Pile up High relief n B10, Daniel Burenphoto by Park Myung-Rae
Prism and Mirrors, Daniel Burenphoto by Park Myung-Rae
7-Dimensional Mirror Mobile, Jeppe Heinphoto by Park Myung-Rae
1-Dimensional Labyrinth, Jeppe Heinphoto by Park Myung-Rae
Selfish Gene Mirror, Daniel Rozin photo by Park Myung-Rae
Rust Mirror, Daniel Rozinphoto by Park Myung-Rae
Penguins Mirror, Daniel Rozinphoto by Park Myung-Rae
Exponential Urban Symphony, Thomas Cantophoto by Park Myung-Rae
Plexus No. 40, Gaburiel Dawephoto by Park Myung-Rae
Pebbles on the Beach (Parquet), Olafur Eliassonphoto by Park Myung-Rae
Visual Mediation, Olafur Eliassonphoto by Park Myung-Rae
Duct, Ivan Navarrophoto by Park Myung-Rae
Tuning, Ivan Navarrophoto by Park Myung-Rae
Broken Mirror, Lee Yongbeak photo by Park Myung-Rae
View or Vision, Kuwakubo Ryotaphoto by Park Myung-Rae
This Land, Ivan Navarrophoto by Park Myung-Rae
Levitating Structured Inertia, Thomas Cantophoto by Park Myung-Rae
Levitating Structured Inertia, Thomas Cantophoto by Park Myung-Rae